Are Steam Cleaners Safe for Natural Stone Counters & Floors?

Natural stone countertops and floors add an elegant and timeless appeal to any home. However, maintaining their beauty requires careful consideration, especially when it comes to cleaning methods. Steam cleaners, known for their ability to sanitize and deep clean without chemicals, are popular for many surfaces. But are they safe for natural stone? Let’s explore this in more detail.

The Nature of Natural Stone

Natural stone surfaces, such as marble, granite, limestone, and travertine, are porous materials. Their pores can absorb liquids and are susceptible to staining, etching, and damage if not properly maintained. These stones often have a sealant applied to protect against such issues. Understanding the interaction between steam and these characteristics is crucial.

Potential Risks of Steam Cleaning

  1. Sealant Damage: High heat and moisture from steam cleaners can degrade the sealant on natural stone surfaces. This compromises the protective barrier, making the stone more vulnerable to stains and damage from everyday use.
  2. Moisture Penetration: Natural stone is porous, and excessive moisture can penetrate the surface, potentially leading to discoloration, weakening of the stone, or even mold growth in the long term.
  3. Thermal Shock: Rapid temperature changes from the steam can cause thermal shock, especially in more delicate stones like marble. This may result in cracks or other forms of damage.

Steam cleaners are highly effective for many surfaces, but they may pose significant risks to natural stone countertops and floors. The high heat and moisture can damage sealants, penetrate the stone, and cause thermal shock. To preserve the beauty and integrity of natural stone, it’s best to stick with pH-neutral cleaners and gentle cleaning tools. Proper care ensures that your stone surfaces stay stunning and durable for years to come.

By Sharon Koehler. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

Unveiling the Mystery of Granite Discoloration

Have you experienced your granite under appliances retaining its original color compared to the surrounding areas that have darkened over time? Here’s why and some tips to prevent and manage this issue.

Granite countertops are prized for their beauty and durability, often serving as a central piece in kitchens worldwide. However, homeowners sometimes discover a curious phenomenon: granite under appliances like toaster ovens or beneath placemats retains its original color, appearing lighter compared to the surrounding areas that have darkened over time. This article explores the causes behind this discoloration and offers tips on how to manage and prevent it.

Understanding Granite Discoloration

Granite is a natural stone composed of various minerals, including quartz, feldspar, and mica, which contribute to its color and pattern. While granite is known for its toughness, it is not wholly impervious to the effects of exposure to light, chemicals, and heat.

  • Sunlight Exposure: Constant exposure to sunlight can cause the granite’s color to fade or darken, depending on the types of minerals in the granite. If the granite has been reinforced with resins, the resins may be affected by UV rays. Areas covered by appliances or mats are shielded from these effects, hence they retain their original appearance.
  • Heat and Moisture: Heat from appliances like toaster ovens can influence the coloration around these areas. Moisture, whether from cooking, cleaning, or ambient humidity, can also seep into the stone if not properly sealed, leading to darkening due to mildew or other moisture-related reactions.
  • Chemical Exposure:  In general, granite is very resilient and will not etch from common cleaning agents or spills from acidic substances like vinegar or lemon juice, but some granites have binders that may react with certain chemicals and alter their color. Areas under appliances or mats are often protected from such exposure, preventing these chemical reactions.

Prevention and Remediation

To manage and prevent discoloration of granite countertops, consider the following tips:

  • Regular Sealing: Apply a sealant to granite countertops at least once a year to protect against moisture and chemical penetration. This barrier can help maintain the uniformity of the stone’s color.
  • Consistent Cleaning Practices: Use gentle cleaners specifically designed for natural stone. Avoid harsh chemicals and scrubbing pads that might scratch or etch the surface.
  • Sunlight Management: If possible, use blinds or curtains to minimize direct sunlight exposure on the granite surfaces, especially in areas prone to long-term sunlight exposure.
  • Rotate Accessories: Periodically move appliances, mats, and other items sitting on granite surfaces to allow uniform exposure to light and air.

By Fred Hueston. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

From Earth to You

When you look at your beautiful natural stone do you ever wonder what it took to get to you? The steps required to getting from the earth to your home is quite extensive and interesting, and after understanding it, you will never look at your stone the same way again.

Here is an overview of the various steps:

Step 1 – Create a quarry: Sounds simple but it isn’t. Studies are made by geologists and other experts to determine a good site for a quarry. These include rock formation, accessibility, extraction methods, and environmental impact.

Step 2 – Licensing: Again, sounds simple but it is actually quite complex. All relevant authorities must sign off on the project, including local, state, federal, and environmental agencies, and authorities. That can be a lot of red tape.

Step 3 – Extraction: Once all the permits are in place, workers and heavy machinery are brought in to start the extraction process. If the permits allow, blasting is done to help break rock masses into more manageable fragments.

Step 4 – Processing: After extraction, raw materials go for processing. This can mean a lot of different things. Crushing machines can be used to break up raw material into smaller, more manageable pieces. Blocks meant to be slab cut are generally shipped off-site to be cut, face finished (polished, honed, etc.), inspected, and prepped for shipping. Other methods or processes may be used for pavers, tile, and other-use stone.

Step 5 – Transportation: Depending on where the stone is, and where it’s going, transportation can include trucks, trains, ships, cranes, and rail cars.

Step 6 – End User: The end user in this situation is the company, wholesaler, or distributor that orders the material from the quarry. The quarry’s end user receives the material and passes it along to their customers aka the retailers/sellers of the finished products (fabricators, landscapers, restoration companies, hardscapers, construction companies, etc.), who then, in turn, pass it on to their customers aka YOU.

So, now you know a little bit more about how stone gets from earth to you. Amazing, isn’t it?

By Sharon Koehler. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

The War on Shower Mold

Strategies for Removal and Prevention of Mold on Stone and Tile Showers

Mold growth in showers is a common issue in many households. This unsightly and potentially harmful problem can arise from a variety of factors and understanding these can help in both treating and preventing it. Here’s an overview of what causes mold to grow in showers and how to effectively remove and prevent it.

Causes of Mold Growth in Showers

Moisture and Humidity: The primary cause of mold growth in showers is the high level of moisture and humidity. Showers, being regularly wet and often poorly ventilated, create an ideal environment for mold spores to thrive.

Lack of Ventilation: Inadequate ventilation in bathrooms leads to moisture accumulation. Without proper air circulation, the dampness from showers and baths lingers, promoting mold growth.

Warm Temperatures: Mold typically thrives in warm conditions. The heat combined with humidity in a bathroom is an ideal breeding ground for mold.

Organic Material: Soap scum, body oils, and other organic materials present in showers serve as a food source for mold.

Poor Cleaning Habits: Infrequent or inadequate cleaning can allow mold spores to settle and grow in shower crevices, grout, and caulking.

How to Remove Mold

Commercial Mold Cleaners: There are numerous mold removal products available. Ask us for specific recommendations. Always follow the instructions and ensure proper ventilation when using these chemicals.

Natural Solutions: For a more natural approach, solutions like vinegar, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide can be effective. For instance, spraying vinegar on the affected area, leaving it for an hour, and then scrubbing can remove mold. Vinegar should not be used on natural stone showers as it can result in etching (dulling) the stone.

Protective Gear: When cleaning mold, wear protective gear like gloves and a mask to avoid inhaling spores or irritating your skin.

Thorough Cleaning: Ensure that all areas, especially grout and caulking, are scrubbed thoroughly to remove all mold.

Preventing Mold Growth

Improve Ventilation: Use an exhaust fan during and after showers to reduce humidity. If possible, open a window to allow for air circulation.

Regular Cleaning: Frequent cleaning can prevent mold spores from settling. Use a squeegee after showers to remove excess water from the walls and floor.

Control Humidity: Keeping the bathroom humidity below 50% can significantly reduce the likelihood of mold growth. Dehumidifiers can be effective in this regard.

Seal Grout Lines: Sealing grout lines can prevent moisture from seeping in and becoming a breeding ground for mold.

Use Mold-Resistant Products: Consider using mold-resistant shower curtains, and caulk designed to resist mold growth.

Dry Wet Items: Ensure that any wet items like towels or bathmats are dried out properly and not left in the bathroom.

Periodic Inspection and Maintenance: Regularly inspect areas prone to mold and address any moisture or leaks immediately.

The bottom line is mold in showers is primarily caused by the damp and humid environment typical of bathrooms. By understanding these causes, homeowners can take effective steps to remove existing mold and prevent its reoccurrence. Regular cleaning, improved ventilation, and controlling humidity are key strategies in maintaining a mold-free shower environment.

By Fred Hueston. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

Grout Discoloration in Showers: Causes & Fixes

Grout discoloration, a common issue in showers, mars the pristine look of your bathroom over time. Factors like moisture, soap residue, hard water, and wear contribute to this problem.


Moisture: Leads to mold, mildew, and weakened grout.

Soap and Shampoo Residue: Accumulates on grout lines.

Hard Water: Mineral deposits cloud grout.

Age and Wear: Regular usage wears down grout.


Routine Cleaning:

  • Use warm water and mild pH neutral cleaner.
  • Scrub gently and rinse thoroughly.

Grout Sealing:

  • Have your grout sealed every 1-2 years.

Deep Cleaning:

  • Use specialized cleaner or baking soda mixture cautiously.

Professional Cleaning:

  • Have your stone and tile pro do a deep cleaning when called for.

Grout Replacement:

  • DIY or hire professionals for extensive damage.


  • Wipe tiles and grout after each use.
  • Use a squeegee to prevent pooling water.
  • Maintain good bathroom ventilation.
  • Promptly replace old or damaged grout and caulk.


Understanding causes and applying appropriate solutions can restore your shower’s grout. Regular maintenance and preventive measures ensure a clean and beautiful shower space.

By Fred Hueston. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

Why Is My Marble Turning Dark?

Is your light marble mysteriously turning dark? Read this article to learn why and what you can do to help protect it from certain damage that causes darkening.

Marble turning dark can be caused by multiple factors, and understanding these reasons is especially important for effective maintenance and preservation. Marble is a metamorphic rock composed primarily of calcite or dolomite crystals, and its natural beauty can be affected by both external and internal factors.

  • One common reason for marble darkening is surface staining. Spills of acidic substances, such as coffee, wine, or citrus juices, can etch the surface of marble, leading to discoloration.
  • Another cause is exposure to metal objects or water having high mineral content may cause rust or mineral deposits, darkening the marble’s appearance.
  • Another significant factor is the absorption of environmental contaminants. Marble is porous, meaning it can absorb liquids and gases. Air pollution, especially in urban environments, can deposit pollutants onto the surface of the marble, causing it to darken over time. This is particularly evident in outdoor installations where the marble is exposed to the elements.
  • Natural aging and weathering contribute to marble darkening. Sunlight exposure can lead to the breakdown of the stone’s minerals and alter its color. Over time, the surface may develop a patina, which in its own rite can be very beautiful.
  • Inappropriate cleaning methods can worsen the issue. Harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners can damage the marble’s surface, making it more susceptible to staining and darkening. It is essential to use pH-neutral cleaners designated safe for stone surfaces to preserve the marble’s beautiful look.

Preventing marble darkening involves a combination of proactive measures. Sealing the marble surface helps reduce its porosity, making it less prone to staining. Regular cleaning with a gentle, stone-friendly cleaner removes surface contaminants. Avoiding contact with acidic substances and promptly addressing spills can also prevent discoloration.

The darkening of marble can be attributed to many factors, including staining, environmental pollutants, natural aging, and inappropriate cleaning methods. Understanding these reasons allows for the implementation of proper maintenance practices to preserve the beauty of marble surfaces over time.

By Sharon Koehler. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

Protecting Your Stone Surfaces

You invest a lot of time and money in your surfaces. Countertops, floors, tabletops, and other stone surfaces can enhance a home or business quite a bit. To keep your stone surfaces looking beautiful, there are certain things you can do to help them stay in pristine condition.

  1. Prevention is Key: Start by setting some ground rules for your guests. Encourage the use of coasters for beverages and ask them to avoid placing hot pots or pans directly onto stone countertops. Remind everyone to be mindful of sharp objects that could scratch or chip the surface.
  2. Clean Regularly: Regular cleaning is crucial to keeping the beauty of your stone surfaces. However, avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the stone. Instead, opt for pH-neutral, stone-safe cleaners. Wipe up spills promptly to prevent staining and etching, especially from acidic substances like wine or citrus juices.
  3. Use Trivets and Coasters: Invest in high-quality trivets and coasters to protect your stone surfaces from hot dishes and drink condensation. Place trivets under hot pots and pans to prevent thermal shock, which can occur when extreme temperature changes affect the stone’s structure.
  4. Seal the Stone: Depending on the type of stone, it may benefit from periodic sealing. Sealing creates a protective barrier that repels liquids and reduces the risk of staining. If you are unsure if the stone needs to be resealed, perform the water drop test. Just put a few drops of water on the surface in a few different places. If the water soaks in, then it needs resealing. If your stone surface does need to be resealed, call your stone care professional before potentially damaging spills occur.
  5. Use Cutting Boards: When preparing meals, always use cutting boards to protect your stone countertops from scratches and dings caused by sharp knives. This simple habit can significantly extend the life of your stone surfaces.
  6. Be Mindful of Heavy Items: Avoid placing excessively heavy or sharp objects directly onto your stone surfaces. Use felt or rubber pads under decorative items, vases, or other heavy objects to prevent scratches and dents.
  7. Wipe up Spills Immediately: Accidents happen, but prompt action can prevent lasting damage. If a spill occurs, blot it at once with a clean, soft cloth. For stubborn stains, use a poultice or a specialized stone stain remover.
  8. Manage Traffic: Stone floors can bear the brunt of foot traffic. Place doormats at entrances to trap dirt and debris, preventing scratches from shoes. Encourage guests to remove their shoes or supply soft slippers to minimize potential damage.
  9. Consult a Professional: If you’re unsure about the care of your specific stone, consult your stone care professional. Stone experts can provide personalized advice based on the type of stone you have and its unique characteristics.

For routine care and maintenance tips, please feel free to consult our Stone and Tile Care Guide on our website.

By taking these precautions, you can use your surfaces for years to come, without compromising the beauty and longevity of your cherished stone surfaces. With a little care and attention, your stone countertops, floors, and tabletops will continue to show their true beauty for a long, long time.

By Sharon Koehler. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

Routine Maintenance for Travertine Showers – 7 Tips

We received a question recently asking for tips for maintaining a travertine shower.

Q: Hello! I am wondering if you could give tips on the best daily/weekly maintenance of a newly sealed travertine shower?  The best way to keep soap scum, and oils from building up?

A: Great question! To keep soap scum and oils from building up, and keep your travertine shower looking great, here are 7 tips and suggestions:

1. Regular Cleaning:

Wipe down your shower surfaces after each use with a squeegee or a microfiber cloth to prevent water spots and soap residue from drying on the travertine. Keep a squeegee in the shower for convenience.

2. Use a Mild Cleaning Solution:

Use a pH-neutral stone cleaner or a mixture of warm water and a few drops of dish soap to clean your travertine. Avoid acidic or abrasive cleaners that can damage the sealant.

3. Avoid Harsh Scrubbing:

Gentle scrubbing with a soft brush or cloth is sufficient. Avoid using abrasive scrubbers or pads that can scratch the surface.

4. Rinse Thoroughly:

After cleaning, make sure to rinse the shower thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue.

5. Preventive Measures:

Consider using a shower caddy to keep shampoo bottles and soap off the shower floor. This can help reduce soap scum buildup.

6. Ventilation:

Ensure proper ventilation in your bathroom to reduce humidity, as high humidity can promote mold and mildew growth. Keeping the shower door open a bit when not in use helps.

7. Sealant Maintenance:

Have your shower walls re-sealed as needed to maintain the protective barrier. This helps prevent oils and water from penetrating the stone. Why do we say shower walls? We don’t recommend sealing the shower floor. Here’s why:

Why Sealing a Shower FLOOR is Not Recommended

When it comes to maintaining your stone shower, conventional wisdom might suggest that sealing both the walls and floor is the best way to protect the stone from water damage and staining. However, this is not entirely true, especially for the shower floor. While sealing the walls of a stone shower can be beneficial, sealing the floor can lead to unforeseen problems, primarily due to trapped moisture.

Stone is Naturally Porous

Stone, a natural and porous material, is often chosen for shower floors due to its aesthetic appeal and durability. These pores, while microscopic, are essential for the stone to ‘breathe’, allowing moisture to evaporate naturally. When you seal a stone shower floor, you effectively trap moisture beneath the surface. This is particularly problematic in a high-moisture environment like a shower. Unlike walls, which have time to dry out and are not constantly underfoot, the floor is regularly exposed to water and pressure.

Discoloration and Damage

Moisture entrapment creates an ideal environment for mold and mildew to thrive. These not only pose a health risk but can also cause a musty odor and further discolor the stone. Trapped moisture can lead to discoloration, a common issue with sealed stone floors. In extreme cases, the trapped moisture can also weaken the stone, leading to cracking and chipping.

In Conclusion

By following these tips, you should be able to keep your travertine shower looking its best. If you have any more questions or need further advice, feel free to reach out to us.

By Fred Hueston. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

From Earth to Elegance: What Makes Marble Colors?

Have you ever gazed upon your marble, adorned with its array of exquisite colors—some vivid and striking, while others exude a more refined and graceful allure—and pondered the origins of these beautiful hues? After learning how these colors are formed, you’ll never look at your marble quite the same.

Marble is a metamorphic rock that forms from limestone through the process of metamorphism. (Alteration of rock by heat, pressure, or other natural occurrences). During this transformation, a range of factors influence the coloration of marble, giving rise to the stunning array of colors and patterns that make each marble type unique. The main factors that contribute to the colors of marble are mineral composition, impurities, and geological processes. Let’s explore each of these aspects in detail:

Mineral Composition

Marble is primarily composed of calcite or dolomite minerals, which are both forms of calcium carbonate. (Calcium carbonate is a combination of carbon, oxygen, and calcium and is a common mineral found throughout the world.) The crystal structure of these minerals allows them to interact with light in different ways, influencing the perceived color of the marble. The presence of other minerals and impurities further enhances these color variations.


Impurities are foreign substances that find their way into the marble during the metamorphic process. These impurities play a significant role in determining the color and patterns exhibited by the marble. Some common impurities found in marble include:

Iron Oxides

Iron impurities can give marble various shades of red, brown, yellow, and orange. Hematite creates reds and yellows, while limonite produces browns and yellows.


The presence of graphite can lend a gray or black color to the marble.

Clay Minerals

Clay minerals introduce earthy tones such as beige, tan, or brown to the marble.


Serpentine impurities create green marble, such as the famous Verde Antique marble.

Sulfides and Organic Materials

These can lead to black or dark veining in the marble.

Geological Processes

The geological history of the region where the marble forms can also influence its color. The presence of specific minerals or the type of rock that undergoes metamorphism alongside the limestone can contribute to the unique colors and patterns. Additionally, the intensity of heat and pressure during metamorphism will impact the recrystallization of minerals and the formation of specific colors.

Local Geography and Environment

Different regions around the world are known for their distinct marble colors and patterns due to variations in the local geology and environment. For example, Carrara marble from Italy is famous for its white color and has been used in many famous sculptures and buildings. The Danby marble from Vermont, USA, is prized for its pure white color and minimal veining.

Age and Degree of Metamorphism

The duration and intensity of the metamorphic process can influence the colors of marble. Marble that undergoes extensive metamorphism over prolonged periods may have a more uniform color, while marble that experiences variable conditions may show a greater variety of colors and patterns.

The mesmerizing colors of marble result from a complex interplay of mineral composition, impurities, geological processes, and the specific environmental conditions where the metamorphism takes place. This diversity in colors is what makes marble such a sought-after and cherished material for various commercial, residential, and artistic applications.

By Fred Hueston. This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

STONE TOPS: TO SEAL OR NOT? A Simple How-to Test

Not all stone countertops need to be sealed but most will benefit from the added protection —”an ounce of prevention,” so to speak. Here’s an easy test to know if yours needs to be sealed—or re-sealed. It’s called the “Water Test,” and it is so simple:

  • Clean the surface of your countertop with a stone-safe cleaner, making sure to remove oils and grease.
  • Let the surface dry completely.
  • Pick out a few different areas to test. Preferably, areas that get a lot of use or are prone to spills and stains. These areas will be the most likely to have worn-down protection.
  • Pour a little bit of water onto your test areas. A few spoonfuls at least.
  • Let the water dwell for a bit. Give it 4-5 minutes or so.
  • Wipe away the water. After a couple of seconds, look carefully at the area. If there is no evidence that water had been spilled you’re good to go. However, if the water soaked in and left a dark spot (not a stain, as it will eventually dry out) then it’s time to reseal.

Tips About Resealing

  • Even if only one area in the test absorbs the water, we recommend a complete re-seal. It’s an all-or-nothing necessity.
  • Failure to reseal can lead to damage such as permanent or difficult-to-remove stains on your countertops.
  • Having a pro do the job will ensure the proper type of sealer is used and common sealing problems are avoided.
  • Re-test every year or so.

Your countertops are not only an investment, they play a significant role in the appearance of your kitchen. The simple act of keeping them properly sealed will go a long way in keeping them looking great for years to come.

By Sharon Koehler. This is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.