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Expertise and Solutions at Your Fingertips

Whatever your surface care needs or questions are, consider our Resource Library your go-to repository for resources, answers, solutions, how-to’s and more.

You’ve got questions. We've got answers!

Search our database of consumer submitted questions and the answers our PROS have given. Many of the questions we answer in our YouTube Ask Our PROS come from the questions that come through the KB.

Our YouTube Ask Our PROS video channel features how-tos, and answers common questions.

Downloadable Care Guides (PDF’s)

Our comprehensive, surface specific care guides will arm you with Do’s and Don’ts, care tips, and more. Download our surface care guides and keep them on hand. Feel free to pass them to friends and family.

The digital magazine dedicated to surfaces
Featuring: Insights from our PROS, design and care tips, resources, Kid’s Page, and other great info.
For hard, porous surfaces

How to remove virtually any type of stain on hard porous surfaces such as natural stone. Great resource! Features video for how to make a poultice to draw out stains.

Informative articles
Browse articles that provide helpful tips and inform you about your surfaces – from selection to care.

We have the solutions for your surface care needs