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Expert Witness

Home » Surface Care Services » Expert Witness

Floor and Surface Expert WitnessFloor and Surface Expert Witness

Do you need an expert witness with regard to stone, tile or other surface? You’ve come to the right place.

Surface Care is a network of highly trained surface experts specializing in a variety of disciplines, from design, specification, and selection to repair, restoration, and renewal to ongoing maintenance provide an impartial opinion on disputes involving surfaces, especially natural stone, tile, concrete, and masonry. Our experts can testify within their area of expertise about matters in dispute.

A wide variety of circumstances related to stone, tile, and other surfaces can result in the need for expert witness services. When it comes to floor and surface applications, materials pass through a lot of hands. Best practices must be followed, from appropriate material selection to proper installation to implementing recommended maintenance requirements. If something goes wrong, an expert witness can testify about the problem and why it may have happened. Problems may have happened during storage, handling, or delivery. Problems could be the result of water absorption, inadequate compression strength, an inability to withstand temperature fluctuations, or improper installation. Failures can happen because of accidents, improper cleaning products or procedures, inappropriate restoration methods, and more.

Resolving a dispute can be difficult. It is important to have facts from an impartial source. Our experts are qualified, have memberships in professional bodies, have academic and/or field experience, training, and knowledge and skills in their particular field.

Do you need an expert witness with regard to stone, tile or other surface? Contact us.

We have the solutions for your surface care needs