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Terrazzo Installation

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Terrazzo Floor DesignThe Fabrication Process

Terrazzo is not quarried like  marble, granite, soapstone, and other natural stone types. It is not cut into blocks or slabs and removed from the quarry.  Terrazzo is actually a mixture of different aggregates such as granite or marble chips, glass, shells, and other materials held together by a binder such as epoxy resin or cement. Once the mixture is complete, it is poured onto the substate.

Design Services

A very unique quality of terrazzo is it’s versatility. It can be used indoors and out. (Although, the epoxy binder is not recomended for outdoor use).  Colors and designs can be custom made. It can be used in homes and businesses and it is extremly durable. A PRO can provide you with endless possibilities for custom  shapes and edges and other applications for commercial and residential properties. If you can imagine it, a skilled terrazzo installer can create it.

Professional Installation Services

Creating or finding the right terrazzo for your project is just part of the design process; making sure it is properly installed is just as important. A Certified Surface Care PROS Partner installer can provide professional installation services for  countertops, floors, and much more. As a customer, your time and property are important to you. That’s why highly-qualified technicians work efficiently and effectively to ensure your installation experience goes as smoothly as possible.
Professional installation service includes:
  • Removal and disposal of old surfaces.
  • Proper preperation of the substrate and installation of new, custom terrazzo.
  • Instructions for proper care and maintenance including helpful Tips & Articles and, on our Caring For It page, we offer a free, downloadable Care Guide

We have the solutions for your surface care needs