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Brand New Look For 50-Year-Old Marble Floor

Home » Case Studies » Brand New Look For 50-Year-Old Marble Floor
Client : Homeowner in Narberth, Pennsylvania
Info : Marble floor lippage removed, refinished, and sealed
Refinished Marble Floor

Problems With 50-Year-Old Marble Floor

This marble floor in a Narberth, Pennsylvania (Montgomery County) home was in need of professional restoration. The 150 sq. ft. floor was 50 years old. The tiles had lippage, which means that some of the tiles were higher or lower than others, and the marble surface had an overall dull, dirty-looking appearance. Classic Marble and Stone Restoration assured the homeowners that they could help.

Our Marble Restoration Process

Their technicians aggressively ground the marble floor to remove the unevenness in the tiles and create a level, monolithic appearance. Then they honed and polished the marble to restore the factory finish. Their final step was to apply a penetrating sealer to inhibit staining.

As you can see in the images, the appearance of the floor was dramatically improved.

We provide a wide range of residential and commercial marble care services, from one-time only repair and refinishing jobs to ongoing custom maintenance. Let’s discuss your needs. Contact us today.

We have the solutions for your surface care needs