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Adsil Microguard 1® Certified Installer

Home » Specialized Certifications » Adsil Microguard 1® Certified Installer

MicroGuard1® coatings from ADSIL provide a long lasting, stunningly beautiful, sustainable, and non-sacrificial finish that protects tile & grout, stone, terrazzo, non-ferrous metal, painted metal, and concrete surfaces from corrosion, abrasive wear, mold, odor, graffiti, and chemical attack.

The coatings covalently bond with a variety of hard surfaces to produce a beautiful, strong, thin, clear coat that delivers traction, remarkable adhesion, long-term protection, and wear-resistance inside or outside, thus helping to reduce maintenance costs.

MicroGuard1® coatings  provide solutions for:

  • Surface Repair, Refinishing, and Restoration
  • Sealing and Protection
  • Minimizing Slip and Fall Hazards
  • Anti-graffiti Solutions
  • Stain and Odor Prevention
  • Antimicrobial Treatments
  • Low VOC Requirements
  • Chemical Resistance

Surface Care PROS Partners certified in the application of Adsil’s MicroGuard1® provide a host of solutions for various surfaces in the most demanding environments. Click on Find a PRO to locate a certified applicator, then  request a consultation to discuss the best possible solutions for your specific needs, whether you are looking to increase foot traction, create and preserve a beautiful finish, or for a solution that provides chemical, or stain-resistance or anti-microbial properties.

We have the solutions for your surface care needs