CaesarStone “Stain”
Fabra-Cleen received a call because the clients had “footprint” stains on their CaesarStone shower floor, as you can see in the BEFORE images. Their housekeeper, contractor, designer/architect, and a professional cleaning company had no success in their attempts to remove the marks. They hired a new design contractor who was also baffled, but confident that Fabra-Cleen could remedy the situation.
Mystery Solved
A detailed inspection revealed that what appeared to be footprints were actually areas with a different finish. It turned out that a year prior, the contractor who installed the shower (not us) had improperly resurfaced several areas immediately after the installation. The client had not even remembered that this occurred until Farba-Cleen technicians insisted that someone had definitely worked on this material.
CaesarStone Restoration
The skilled professionals at Fabra-Cleen used a hand tool to hone the discolorations, revealing the brand new surface underneath. Notice the difference in the DURING images. This process revealed that the entire floor was slightly discolored, so they honed the entire floor to achieve the nice even appearance and restore the matte finish you see in the AFTER image. As a precaution, their technicians applied an impregnator (sealer) to the material. CaesarStone is supposed to be inherently stain resistant, but given the history of this shower floor, they weren’t taking any chances.
The Manhattan client was relieved to have the problem solved, and Fabra-Cleen was happy to have helped out both the client and their business affiliate.
We provide a wide range of residential and commercial Caesarstone repair and restoration services. Contact us to discuss your needs.